Friday, November 30, 2007: Gymnasium Marne!!!
What a great experience that I will never forget.Eventhough life can be really unfair, it still provide me with some happiness that will keep me going for a long time. Therefore I can add Gymnasium Marne to my portfolio in life.Another unique experience after Kelmscott Senior High(Australia).I have been attending school for the past two weeks and it has been great! But the greatness has its fair share of boredom. German German German.... Is the only language I hear everyday and it's stuck in my head!!! Now I can speak a fair bit of German. Which make me proud of myself.Anyway, coming back to Gymnasium Marne, I met so many people from different part of the world and I was amazed because it felt as if I travelled around the whole world by just attending school at Gymnasium. I met Paloma from Argentina,Enriya from Turkey, Steve(winks*) from England and Vincent from Seattle.

Each and everyone of them have a different personality. The most interesting personality was Vincent! Gosh! He said he was travelling around the world because he could not decide which college he should go to after high school.(if only i could do this)Hmm... He travelled from Turkey to Russia to Greece to Germany then to France and Morrocco... and the list goes on... I guess. What I feel is that DAMN!!!! if only I could do this with a friend. Oh yes I just remembered Vincent is travelling all by himself!!!'' A seventeen year old dude who left home to make the world his home'' would be the headlines on my newspaper. And the minute I knew he was alone I thought to myself, Gosh! what a LONER!!! hahaha!! and of course I salute him for his courage!

Yup... and then comes the lessons in the classroom which bored me to death!! Since it is all in German I don't seem to understand a single word. It's amazing that students learn Chemistry, Biology, Geography and even Mathematics in German. Nevertheless this will be something that I will always cherish.

Tini,me and Hanna

Shanks blogged on 3:13 AM
Sunday, November 25, 2007: Blogging Starts from Germany!!!!
I am blogging from Germany!!!! OMG!Ican't believe that this is happening but that's the truth. I arrived in Hamburg on the 19th of November.Still not believing that this is happening."It's all part of life" as my tagline goes. I really miss my Lai Pei Mei. Pamela has been the greatest miracle in my life so far I have to admit. The confidence that she created in me was such a phenomenon. To this phenomenon I would say " I came with little hope but walked away believing in miracles.Thank you so much Pamm.I have to say that I am really sad that I will not be in the same class with you.I don't know why life becomes such a hard pill to swallow when people are innocent at heart and true in their words. This bring about another tagline''Life is unfair''.This year has brought me so much heartaches and worries.Nevertheless angels in my life have kept me going thus far.

Angel no.1 Pamm

Angel no.2 Anushia

Angel no.3 Pavitra

Angel no.4 Shangarri

and the biggest ever Angel in my life Vick!

These people have made my world a better place.

These are the ''littlest'' things that make me smile.I know it's lame... but it's so true!!

Lilly Allen

Anyway.... It brings about great anxiety in me as to what 2008 is going to be for me, after all the fiasco that happened in 2007. No matter what may main goal in life would be to make my parents proud especially my mother. For all the hardship she has gone she deserves something in return. My mommy will always be my mommy!!!! Because she has never failed me!! But now I have failed her terribly!!

To my mommy I say: I am walking in to the new year with failure but I will walk out of the year with great success!

and that will be my promise that I will always keep.


Shanks blogged on 10:10 AM